Input-Output Analysis (IOA)
Since "Input/output methods" explains this method quite sufficiently, it is only being stressed here that this method typically follows a top down approach, accounting for the monetary transactions between sectors on a macroeconomic level, but have also been applied to urban and sub-national areas. The information is arranged in tables and “used in economics to represent the structure of production and final consumption within an economy (single-region input-output SRIO model) or amongst multiple economies (multi-region input-output MRIO model)” (Schaffartzik et al. 2014).
In some cases, a hybrid method is applied, which is not always pointed out as such and which in this context means that both economic and material data are employed and integrated in the tables (Sinclair et al. 2005).
The strengths and weaknesses of this method are mainly the same as the one of the category in general, except that a big advantage for the monetary tables is that they are put together regularly by national statistical offices and therefore readily available (Schaffartzik et al. 2014).
Alias: MIOT (monetary input-output tables)