Allow use of different material catalogs

Created on Tuesday 9 March 2021, 06:44

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  • ID
  • Project
    Metabolism of Cities Data Hub
  • Status
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  • Type
    Programming work
  • Assigned to
    No one yet
  • Subscribers
    Carolin Bellstedt
    Nicole Sophie Wiedmann
    Paul Hoekman

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Currently, when processing material stocks and flows data, users are asked to use the "Energy, materials and products" catalog when classifying materials. This has worked in most cases, but as highlighted by Nicole there are some datasets that use certain material or product catalogs that would make it difficult and time-consuming to convert the material codes, and instead using their original codes would make much more sense. We already have a number of these catalogs available, but we must build in a system where it's possible to select these alternative catalogs.

Discussion and updates

New task was created

Task was assigned to Paul Hoekman

I've stepped down from my Metabolism of Cities involvement but if another volunteer wants to pick this up later and ask me any question about this, feel free to reach out and I'll try to assist where I can.

Paul Hoekman is no longer responsible for this task