10 Sector-Wide Circularity Assessments are completed for CityLoops
Dear followers and avid enthusiasts of Urban Metabolism,
We’ve got some exciting updates to share!
The team at Metabolism of Cities is happy to announce the successful completion of the Sector-wide Circularity Assessments for seven European cities, as a part of the EU Horizon2020 CityLoops Project. The reports for these cities, namely Høje-Taastrup and Roskilde (Denmark), Mikkeli (Finland), Apeldoorn (the Netherlands), Bodø (Norway), Porto (Portugal) and Seville (Spain), target two of the most important waste generating sectors in Europe - Construction and Biomass.
The reports are a result of collaboration between the partner cities and MoC. MoC conducted in-person stakeholder workshops and online courses on how to gather and process data. Eventually, each city had their own Data Hub or a dashboard for them to upload their data, track progress and write their reports.
The reports for the cities of Bodø, Høje-Taastrup and Roskilde focus on the construction sector, while Porto focuses on biomass. Meanwhile, Apeldoorn, Mikkeli and Seville are focusing on both construction and biomass.
Here is a link to all reports: https://cityloops.metabolismofcities.org/reports/
Each report provides contextual information on the city and the economic sector under study. It then illustrates how circular these sectors are through circularity indicators and a Sankey diagram. Finally, it analyses and interprets the results, presents the limitations from the data used and offers recommendations about how to make this sector more circular.
Caption: Sankey diagram showing the flow of materials through Seville’s biomass sector (source)
“So What’s Next?”
Glad you asked!
The SCA is by no means an isolated study. It will be complemented by an Urban Circularity Assessment and a Circular Hotspot Analysis for each of the cities, to help them plan and upscale targeted Demonstration Actions to bolster circularity in their municipalities.
Interested to know more?
Stay tuned here and on our social media channels (Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube).