Data Hub Priority Plan 2022 - starting a revised plan with focused action
In 2021, we proposed an ambitious priority plan to bring MoC’s Data Hub to another level. Nevertheless, we did not manage to achieve its realisation due to lack of time, motivation, coordination and quite likely due to overambition.
For 2022, we wish to propose a dialled-down version of the priority plan, which will also reduce the efforts from a programming side, enabling a wider range of community members to participate and to reduce the current bottleneck effect. To do so, we will choose the tasks that can more easily be approached and that can then branch out to more tasks that are more design- and programming-heavy. Ideally, the proposed tasks will enable new users to engage and contribute, as well as inspire existing members to continue with their efforts so that all this work provides relevance to policy making and practice.
Overall, while the 2021 Priority Plan focused on four key areas, for 2022, it was collectively decided to focus on the one issue that bugs us all: (dispersed) data and scarcity on a city level. Therefore, we will dedicate our time and efforts to semi-automate EW-MFA by downscaling available data and through multi-scale integration.
What’s next?
In practical terms, we will keep the 2021 working page, as it was well set up and connected with resources and focus on the multi-scale integration part. But, there will be more tasks specifically to the new focus and suitable for a diverse number of people, as it relates to various skills.
If you are keen on advancing urban metabolism in 2022 in this open-source, community-drive platform, feel free to jump onto any of these tasks here and/or join the conversation in the forum.
We will also work on holding meetings and events that revolve around this priority plan, and where people that are new to Metabolism of Cities can learn how to get involved and contribute.