International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD), Columbia University, New York, USA
Metabolism of Cities participated in the International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD) the most important event on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The conference was held on Tuesday, September 24-25, 2019, at Columbia University in New York, USA by the Center for Sustainable Development, the Earth Institute, Columbia University, the Global Master’s in Development Practice (MDP), and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). The conference brings together students, scholars, and practitioners to evaluate sustainable development best practices and solutions in creating a society that can meet the needs of the present generations without compromising the needs of future generations. Our Metabolism of Cities members Dr. Gabriela Fernandez, Carolin Bellstedt, and Paul Hoekman presented “MultipliCity and SDGs: Community Management and Engagement Platform.”. Dr. Fernandez and Carol Maione presented the “SDGs VRPlay for KIDS: An education experience on local sustainable solutions using virtual reality to target vulnerable children.” In addition, Dr. Fernandez, Gloria Morichi, and Lucas Calixto presented a poster called "Fog Harvesting for Urban Environments."