Literature Review on urban material flows and stocks accounting = First CityLoops deliverable D4.1
In the first three months of the CityLoops project, Paul and Carolin were researching methods of urban material flows and stocks accounting and their application in case studies. The results can be found in our first deliverable, where 91 subjects (possible accounting methods) were reviewed, 35 excluded, 18 labelled as non-accounting methods, 9 tools identified and the remaining 29 methods described. A total of 194 publications with case studies on the urban level were analysed too.
We have concluded that there really is a big issue with the proliferation of poorly defined and inconsistently used labelling of existing “methods” and that we want to contribute to the remediation of this situation. We know of many people who agree with this and are themselves trying to solve this matter. However, it takes a shared effort and Metabolism of Cities seeks to bring this community together to one table. Contact us if you wish to be a part of this!
Download the report here: CityLoops WP4 D4.1 Urban Material Flows and Stocks Accounting - A Review of Methods and Their Application