Maps: Connect CL tag IDs to the map groups

Created on Monday 19 April 2021, 06:29

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  • Subscribers
    Carolin Bellstedt
    Guus Hoekman
    Paul Hoekman

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In the MoC dashboard, the tag IDs are linked so that some geospatial data items show up in "infrastructure" and others in "administrative boundaries". Finally a "master map" can be seen if a city boundary has been selected (see here, for example).
On the CityLoops page this doesn't show up yet and it is all empty (e.g. here), because the tags haven't been assigned yet. There is an overview of the tags that you can use to see what goes where.

Input from Paul: "I recommend you make a task for Guus to create a new CL page in which you indicate to him how he should set it up. When you make the task, please tell him that he should create this in the file of CityLoops, and not use the existing file, because otherwise the code gets too messy (he can consult me if in doubt)."

Please do the following:

  1. ensure that the infrastructure section is filled with items that have the orange tags from the above spreadsheet + "1.6 Land use, 996". But ONLY if their item type is GPS coordinates OR shapefiles.
  2. ensure that the admin. boundaries section is filled with items that have the pink tags from the above spreadsheet (except for the 1.6 Land use, 996 one.

Thank you.

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Guus, just to add here: basically this requires some crazy tropical code just for CityLoops. I don't want to make our main codebase to be all spaghetti code with tons of conditions so my main request here for you is to do all the coding in the cityloops/ doc, and to create separate template files for this stuff. Let me know if in doubt. Thanks.

Carolin I've made some changes. Can you check if it's alright?

For this one the master map doesn't show up. Is that correct?

I'm using largely the same code for the master map as the equivalent, non-cityloops maps page, which requires processed datasets (which Mikkeli has) as well as the geometry of the city. I'm not sure what's meant with geometry though.

Apeldoorn does have a master map:

Thanks for working on this Guus.

  1. Yes, for Mikkeli the master map doesn't show up yet, because they haven't selected their city boundary (which is likely "geometry" yet. Apeldoorn has it, because they selected their boundary, see here.
  2. The main thing that needs to be fixed is that the infrastructure and landuse related things, need to be in the section on the left. See image for Mikkeli. For Apeldoorn the landuse one should also be on the left. Do check the tag IDs once more.